About us
GAMA GEOFÍSICA is a company committed to the development of projects and geophysical consultancy applied to the fields of civil engineering, geotechnics, hydrogeology, mining, archaeology and environment.
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Its main members are:
Carlos Gata
Carlos Gata Maya - Project manager
Licenciatura en Ciencias Físicas (Physics Sciences Degree), speciality in Geophysics, in the Faculty of Physics of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) (1997)
Doctorate courses in Geophysics (1997-98 and 98-99) in the UCM.
Course Sondeos y diagrafías (Well logging) in the "Fundación Gómez-Pardo" (March, 1998).
Francisco Cabezas
Francisco Cabezas De la Faya - Geophysicist
>Licenciatura en Ciencias Físicas (Physics Sciences Degree), speciality in Geophysics, in the Faculty of Physics of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) (2008).
Analista de Laboratorio de Ensayos Geotécnicos (Laboratory analyst of geotechnical tests), Technical School of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid (2008).
Energías renovables y desarrollo sostenible (renewable energies and sustainable development), General Foundation of the Complutense University of Madrid (2006).
Antonio Gonzalez
Antonio González Cantero - Geologist
Licenciado en Geología (Geology Degree) in the Faculty of Geology Sciences of the Huelva University (Spain) (2008)